/* * lc7981.c * * Created on: 01.05.2009 * Author: sebastian * * This file is part of Sebastians AVR Library for lc7981. * * Sebastians AVR Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Sebastians AVR Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Sebastians AVR Library. If not, see . * */ #include "lc7981.h" uint8_t lcd_mode, //!< Currently used mode, can be text or graphic. lcd_curline; //!< Current line. Used for scrolling in text mode. /** * lcd_init set the to default values. * * @param mode LCD_TEXT for text mode and LCD_GRAPHIC for graphic mode */ void lcd_init(uint8_t mode) { LCD_DATA_DDR = 0xFF; LCD_DATA = 0; LCD_CRTL_DDR |= (1 << LCD_RS) | (1 << LCD_RW) | (1 << LCD_EN); LCD_CTRL = 0; lcd_en_low(); lcd_rs_low(); lcd_rw_low(); if(mode == LCD_TEXT) { lcd_mode = LCD_TEXT; lcd_write_command(0x00,0x3C); lcd_write_command(0x01,0x75); lcd_write_command(0x02,LCD_TEXT_COLUMNS - 1); lcd_write_command(0x03,0x4F); lcd_write_command(0x04,0x07); lcd_write_command(0x08,0x00); lcd_write_command(0x09,0x00); lcd_write_command(0x0A,0x00); lcd_write_command(0x0B,0x00); } else { lcd_mode = LCD_GRAPHIC; lcd_write_command(0x00,0x32); lcd_write_command(0x01,0x07); lcd_write_command(0x02,(LCD_GRAPHIC_WIDTH / 8)-1); lcd_write_command(0x03,0x4F); lcd_write_command(0x08,0x00); lcd_write_command(0x09,0x00); lcd_write_command(0x0A,0x00); lcd_write_command(0x0B,0x00); } lcd_clear(); } /** * Writes a command and a data byte to the lcd. * * @param cmd the command byte * @param data the data that is going to be written after the command */ inline void lcd_write_command(uint8_t cmd, uint8_t data) { _delay_us(30); lcd_rw_low(); lcd_rs_high(); LCD_DATA = cmd; _delay_us(1); lcd_strobe(); lcd_rs_low(); LCD_DATA = data; _delay_us(1); lcd_strobe(); } /** * Reads a byte from the display memory. * lcd_gotoxy can be used to set the location. * Important : lcd_gotoxy doesn't work in graphics mode yet. * * @return the byte which has been read * @see lcd_gotoxy */ inline uint8_t lcd_read_byte() { uint8_t i,data; for(i = 0; i < 2; i++) { _delay_us(30); lcd_rw_low(); lcd_rs_high(); LCD_DATA = 0x0D; _delay_us(1); lcd_en_high(); LCD_DATA_DDR = 0x00; lcd_rs_low(); lcd_rw_high(); _delay_us(1); data = (uint8_t) PIND; lcd_en_low(); LCD_DATA_DDR = 0xFF; } return data; } /** * Generates the strobe signal for writing data. * This function is meant for internal usage only. */ inline void lcd_strobe() { lcd_en_high(); _delay_us(1); lcd_en_low(); } /** * Clears the display by setting the whole memory to 0. */ inline void lcd_clear() { uint16_t i; if(lcd_mode == LCD_TEXT) { lcd_write_command(0x0A,0x00); lcd_write_command(0x0B,0x00); for(i = 1; i <= LCD_TEXT_LINES * LCD_TEXT_COLUMNS; i++) lcd_write_command(0x0C,' '); lcd_write_command(0x0A,0x00); lcd_write_command(0x0B,0x00); lcd_curline = 0; } else { lcd_write_command(0x0A,0x00); lcd_write_command(0x0B,0x00); for(i = 0; i < ((LCD_GRAPHIC_WIDTH * LCD_GRAPHIC_HEIGHT)/8); i++) lcd_write_command(0x0C,0x00); lcd_write_command(0x0A,0x00); lcd_write_command(0x0B,0x00); } } /** * Outputs text in at the current cursor position. * If a \\n occurs in the last line of the display, * all the other line will be 'scrolled' up. * This function is textmode only. * The the second line becomes the first, the third the second and so on ... * @param txt the text */ void lcd_write_text(char *txt) { uint8_t c,tmp,x,y; if(lcd_mode == LCD_TEXT) { c = 0; while(!(*txt == 0)) { if(*txt == '\n' || c == LCD_TEXT_COLUMNS) { if(lcd_curline < LCD_TEXT_LINES - 1) { lcd_curline++; c = 0; lcd_gotoxy(0,lcd_curline); } else { for(y = 1; y < LCD_TEXT_LINES; y++ ) { for(x = 0; x < LCD_TEXT_COLUMNS; x++) { lcd_gotoxy(x,y); tmp = lcd_read_byte(); lcd_gotoxy(x,y-1); lcd_write_command(0x0C,tmp); } } for(x = 0; x < LCD_TEXT_COLUMNS; x++) { lcd_write_command(0x0C,' '); } lcd_gotoxy(0,LCD_TEXT_LINES-1); c = 0; } } if(*txt != '\n') { lcd_write_command(0x0C,*txt); c++; } txt++; } } } /** * Set the display cursor to a specific location. * Right now this does only work in text mode, * since there's no need for it now in graphics mode. \n * If the x and y values are to big, the function does nothing. * * @param x the horizontal cursorposition (starts at 0) * @param y the vertical cursorposition (starts at 0) * */ inline void lcd_gotoxy(uint8_t x, uint8_t y) { uint16_t pos; if(lcd_mode == LCD_TEXT) { if((x <= LCD_TEXT_COLUMNS - 1) && (y <= LCD_TEXT_LINES - 1)) { pos = (y * LCD_TEXT_COLUMNS) + x; lcd_write_command(0x0A,(uint8_t) pos ); lcd_write_command(0x0B,(uint8_t) (pos >> 8)); lcd_curline = y; } } } /** * set or unset a pixel at the specified location * * @param x horizontal position of the pixel (starts at 0) * @param y horizontal position of the pixel (starts at 0) * @param set can be PIXEL_ON or PIXEL_OFF */ void lcd_plot_pixel(uint8_t x, uint8_t y, uint8_t set) { uint16_t pos; uint8_t xr; if((x <= LCD_GRAPHIC_WIDTH - 1) && (y <= LCD_GRAPHIC_HEIGHT - 1)) { pos = y * (LCD_GRAPHIC_WIDTH / 8) + x / 8; xr = x % 8; lcd_write_command(0x0A,(uint8_t) pos ); lcd_write_command(0x0B,(uint8_t) (pos >> 8)); if(set == PIXEL_ON) { lcd_write_command(0x0F,xr); } else { lcd_write_command(0x0E,xr); } } } /** * This function will plot a bitmap with the upper left corner to the given coordinates.\n * If the bitmap doesn't fit on the display at this location, nothing is drawn at all.\n * Unset pixels are treated as transparent \n * This function is by far the most tricky piece of code in this project,\n * don't worry if you don't understand it at first sight. \n * And if you know a better way to do this, tell me.\n * * @param x_off horizontal position of the bitmap * @param y_off vertical position of the bitmap * @param bitmap pointer to the bitmap in pgmspace * @param w width of the bitmap * @param h height of the bitmap * * This function is dedicated to Greta, one of the most important persons in my life so far.\n * */ void lcd_plot_bitmap(uint8_t x_off, uint8_t y_off, const uint8_t *bitmap, uint8_t w, uint8_t h) { uint8_t x,y,cur,curs,sr,dr; uint16_t pos; //check if the bitmap fits on the display if((x_off <= LCD_GRAPHIC_WIDTH - 1) && (y_off <= LCD_GRAPHIC_HEIGHT - 1) && (x_off + w <= LCD_GRAPHIC_WIDTH - 1) && (y_off + h <= LCD_GRAPHIC_HEIGHT - 1)) { //loop linewise through the bitmap for(y = y_off; y < y_off + h; y++) { cur = 0; //loop pixelwise through each line for(x = x_off - (x_off % 8); x_off + w > x; x++) { dr = x % 8; if(dr == 0) { //load the next byte from display memory pos = y * (LCD_GRAPHIC_WIDTH / 8) + x / 8; lcd_write_command(0x0A,(uint8_t) pos ); lcd_write_command(0x0B,(uint8_t) (pos >> 8)); cur = lcd_read_byte(); } if((x - x_off) >= 0) { sr = (x - x_off) % 8; if(sr == 0) { //load the next byte of the bitmap curs = pgm_read_byte(bitmap++); } //grep the pixel from the bitmap and put into the display byte cur = cur | ((( curs & (1 << sr)) >> sr) << dr); } if(dr == 7) { //write the current byte to display memory pos = y * (LCD_GRAPHIC_WIDTH / 8) + x / 8; lcd_write_command(0x0A,(uint8_t) pos ); lcd_write_command(0x0B,(uint8_t) (pos >> 8)); lcd_write_command(0x0C,cur); } } if(dr != 7) { //write the last byte to display memory if there's one left pos = y * (LCD_GRAPHIC_WIDTH / 8) + x / 8; lcd_write_command(0x0A,(uint8_t) pos ); lcd_write_command(0x0B,(uint8_t) (pos >> 8)); lcd_write_command(0x0C,cur); } } } } /** * Plots a single character in graphicmode. * Each character of the font is stored linewise. \n * This means for a 8x8 Pixel font the 8 bytes are needed. \n * The first byte is the first line and the last byte is the last line. \n * The next 8byte are the next character.\n * \n * If the position is too close to the display edge so it can't be displayed completely,\n * It won't be displayed at all. * * @param x_off horizontal position of the character * @param y_off vertical position of the character * @param c the character or it's ascii code * @param fw width of the font * @param fh height of the font * @param font pointer to the flash area where the font is stored * */ inline void lcd_plot_char(uint8_t x_off, uint8_t y_off, uint8_t c, uint8_t fw, uint8_t fh, const uint8_t* font) { const uint8_t *letter; uint8_t fsize; fsize = fh * fw / 8; letter = font + c * fsize -1; lcd_plot_bitmap(x_off,y_off,letter,fw,fh); } /** * Plots a text using lcd_plot_char. * @param x_off horizontal position of the character * @param y_off vertical position of the character * @param text the text that is plotted * @param fw width of the font * @param fh height of the font * @param font pointer to the flash area where the font is stored * * * * @see lcd_plot_char */ void lcd_plot_text(uint8_t x_off, uint8_t y_off, const char *text, uint8_t fw, uint8_t fh, const uint8_t *font) { while(*text) { lcd_plot_char(x_off,y_off,(uint8_t) *text,fw,fh,font); x_off += fw; text++; } } void lcd_plot_pgmtext(uint8_t x_off, uint8_t y_off, const char *text, uint8_t fw, uint8_t fh, const uint8_t *font) { }