#!/usr/bin/env python2 import os import codecs import copy import markdown from dateutil import parser class TemplateMixin(object): template = "base.html" url = "index.html" context = {} def get_context(self): return copy.copy(self.context) def render(self, output_directory, jinja_env): context = self.get_context() self.render_files(context, output_directory, jinja_env) def render_files(self, context, output_directory, jinja_env): self.render_to_file(self.template, self.url, context, output_directory, jinja_env) def render_to_file(self, template, url, context, output_directory, jinja_env): template = jinja_env.get_template(template) result = template.render(context) out_path = os.path.join(output_directory, url) out_dir = os.path.dirname(out_path) if not os.path.isdir(out_dir): os.mkdir(out_dir) print "Rendering %s" % out_path out_file = codecs.open(out_path, 'wb', 'utf-8') out_file.write(result) out_file.close() def read_content_file(self, path): content_file = codecs.open(path, 'r', 'utf-8') meta = self.read_content_file_metadata(content_file) result = {} try: result['title'] = meta['title'] result['creation_time'] = parser.parse(meta['creation_time'].decode('ascii')) result['edit_time'] = parser.parse(meta['edit_time'].decode('ascii')) result['content'] = content_file.read() except KeyError as error: raise RuntimeError("Incomplete metadata, missing %s in file: %s" % (error, path)) content_file.close() return result def read_content_file_metadata(self, content_file): # Abuse the markdown meta data extension # https://pythonhosted.org/Markdown/extensions/meta_data.html # It can't be used on the full file since our content can be something else than markdown. markdown_converter = markdown.Markdown(extensions = ['markdown.extensions.meta']) lines = "" line = content_file.readline() while line.strip() != '': lines += line line = content_file.readline() lines += "\n" markdown_converter.convert(lines) meta = markdown_converter.Meta for key in meta.keys(): if len(meta[key]) == 1: meta[key] = meta[key][0] return meta