
100 lines
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use st7735::gfx::PrimitveGFX;
pub struct FontGlpyh {
pub bitmap_offset: usize, // Offset in glyph bitmap
pub width: u8, // Size of glyph
pub height: u8,
pub x_advance: u8, // Distance to advance along x-axis
pub x_offset: u8, // Distance to upper left coner from cursor pos
pub y_offset: u8,
pub struct Font {
pub bitmap: &'static [u8], // Glyph bitmaps, concatenated
pub glyphs: &'static [FontGlpyh], // Array of glyph metadata
pub first: u8, // Start of ASCII extend
pub last: u8, // End of ASCII extend
pub y_advance: u8, // Line height
pub trait FontRenderer: PrimitveGFX {
fn draw_glyph(&mut self, x: u8, y: u8, glyph: &FontGlpyh, font: &Font, size: u8, color: u16) {
if size == 0 {
// Any clipping should be done by draw_rect
let x = x as i16;
let y = y as i16;
let size = size as i16;
let mut bo = glyph.bitmap_offset;
let mut set_pixels: i16 = 0;
let mut bits: u8 = 0;
let mut bit: u8 = 0;
for cur_y in 0..(glyph.height as i16) {
for cur_x in 0..(glyph.width as i16) {
if bit == 0 {
bits = font.bitmap[bo];
bo += 1;
bit = 0x80;
if bit & bits != 0 {
set_pixels += 1;
} else if set_pixels > 0 {
let start_x = (x + ((glyph.x_offset as i16) + cur_x - set_pixels) * size) as u8;
let start_y = (y + ((glyph.y_offset as i16) + cur_y) * size) as u8;
let w = (set_pixels * size) as u8;
let h = size as u8;
self.fill_rect(start_x, start_y, w, h, color);
set_pixels = 0;
bit >>= 1;
if set_pixels > 0 {
let start_x = (x +
((glyph.x_offset as i16) + (glyph.width as i16) -
set_pixels) * size) as u8;
let start_y = (y + ((glyph.y_offset as i16) + cur_y) * size) as u8;
let w = (set_pixels * size) as u8;
let h = size as u8;
self.fill_rect(start_x, start_y, w, h, color);
fn draw_text(&mut self, x: u8, y: u8, text: &str, font: &Font, size: u8, color: u16) {
let mut cursor_x = x;
let mut cursor_y = y;
for text_char in text.chars() {
let c = if text_char.is_ascii() {
text_char as u8
else {
'?' as u8
if c == '\n' as u8 {
cursor_x = x;
cursor_y += font.y_advance * size;
else if c >= font.first && c <= font.last && c != '\r' as u8 {
let pos = (c - font.first) as usize;
let glyph = &font.glyphs[pos];
self.draw_glyph(cursor_x, cursor_y, glyph, &font, size, color);
cursor_x += glyph.x_advance * size;