
70 lines
3.0 KiB

{% extends "base.html" %}
{% block title %} Welcome to pat3d {% endblock %}
{% block headeraddons %}
{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
<div id="content">
<h1>Welcome to past3d</h1>
<div class="pure-g-r">
<div class="pure-u-2-3">
<div class="textcontainer">
<h2>What ?</h2>
Past3d is similar to
<a href="">a pastebin</a>
<a href="">a image hoster</a>.
Instead of hosting your config file, ssh private keys or funny cat photos,
it can host your <b>3D models</b>.<br/>
Even more impotant: <b>Using WebGL it can view the model directly in your browser.</b>
<li>Supports Binary and ASCII STL</li>
<li>Renders Geometries in any browser capable of webGL</li>
<li>Public an private pastes</li>
<li>Simple to use</li>
<li>No registration required</li>
<li>Registred users can delete their uploaded models at any time</li>
<li>Models uploaded by registred user stay online indefinitely</li>
<i>Private</i> only means that past3d will not show the link to anyone else.
Whereas a public paste can be shown the Latest Uploads sidebar and
the list of all public pastes.
So if you want your stuff to stay <i>private</i> don't post the link on twitter
or your favorite 3 printing forum, because once the googlebot has it it's public.
Also note that as an unregistered user your models will only stay online for a limited time span (up to one month maximum).<br/>
Using a special licence for your models is not required,
but you can specify anything you like in the description field.
<h2>Want to try it out ?</h2>
Simply clickt the <a href="{% url 'geometry_create' %}">New paste</a> button on top of
this page.<br/>
As an unregistered user your models will only stay online for a limited time span.<br/>
So you might want to <a href="{% url 'signup' %}">register</a> first.
Registered users can upload models that stay online forever (well... let's say for a long time if nothing goes terribly wrong).<br/>
<h2>Want to roll your own ?</h2>
past3d is completly open source.<br/>
Just head over to <a href="">github</a>,
download the latest version und start your own 3D enabled pastebin.
All you need is server running python and django.<br/>
Also if you think this site misses an important feature,
fork the repo implement the feature and send me a pull request.</br>
<div class="pure-u-1-3">
{% include 'pastebin/latest_geometries.html' %}
{% endblock %}