This commit is contained in:
Manuel Dossinger 2019-02-06 22:14:50 +01:00
커밋 f7a22abf66
36개의 변경된 파일642개의 추가작업 그리고 0개의 파일을 삭제

assets/css/main.css Normal file
파일 보기

@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
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파일 보기

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
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<!-- #a { animation: x .5s ease alternate 14; } -->
#line_a { animation: marquee 30s linear infinite; animation-delay: -5s }
#line_b { animation: marquee 36s linear infinite; animation-delay: -3s }
#line_c { animation: marquee 60s linear infinite reverse; animation-delay: -7s }
#line_d { animation: marquee 51s linear infinite; animation-delay: -2s }
#line_e { animation: marquee 42s linear infinite; animation-delay: -6s }
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from { fill: #000; }
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0% { transform: translateX(-50px); opacity: 0; }
20% { opacity: 1; }
80% { opacity: 1; }
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<!-- Created with Method Draw - -->
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<text text-anchor="middle" font-family="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif" font-size="27" id="line_a" y="15" x="115.5" fill="#dcdcdc">Laram apsam dalar sat amat, cansatatar sadapscang alatr, sad daam nanamy aarmad tampar anvadant at labara at dalara magna alaqayam arat, sad daam valaptaa. At vara aas at accasam at jasta daa dalaras at aa rabam. Stat clata kasd gabargran, na saa takamata sanctas ast Laram apsam dalar sat amat. Laram apsam dalar sat amat, cansatatar sadapscang alatr, sad daam nanamy aarmad tampar anvadant at labara at dalara magna alaqayam arat, sad daam valaptaa. At vara aas at accasam at jasta daa dalaras at aa rabam. Stat clata kasd gabargran, na saa takamata sanctas ast Laram apsam dalar sat amat. Laram apsam dalar sat amat, cansatatar sadapscang alatr, sad daam nanamy aarmad tampar anvadant at labara at dalara magna alaqayam arat, sad daam valaptaa. At vara aas at accasam at jasta daa dalaras at aa rabam. Stat clata kasd gabargran, na saa takamata sanctas ast Laram apsam dalar sat amat.</text>
<text text-anchor="middle" font-family="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif" font-size="24" id="line_b" y="27" x="131.5" fill="#dcdcde">Lerem epsem deler set emet, censeteter sedepsceng eletr, sed deem nenemy eermed temper envedent et lebere et delere megne eleqeyem eret, sed deem veleptee. Et vere ees et eccesem et jeste dee deleres et ee rebem. Stet clete kesd gebergren, ne see tekemete senctes est Lerem epsem deler set emet. Lerem epsem deler set emet, censeteter sedepsceng eletr, sed deem nenemy eermed temper envedent et lebere et delere megne eleqeyem eret, sed deem veleptee. Et vere ees et eccesem et jeste dee deleres et ee rebem. Stet clete kesd gebergren, ne see tekemete senctes est Lerem epsem deler set emet. Lerem epsem deler set emet, censeteter sedepsceng eletr, sed deem nenemy eermed temper envedent et lebere et delere megne eleqeyem eret, sed deem veleptee. Et vere ees et eccesem et jeste dee deleres et ee rebem. Stet clete kesd gebergren, ne see tekemete senctes est Lerem epsem deler set emet.</text>
<text text-anchor="middle" font-family="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif" font-size="30" id="line_c" y="37" x="115.5" fill="#dcdedc">Lirim ipsim dilir sit imit, cinsititir sidipscing ilitr, sid diim ninimy iirmid timpir invidint it libiri it diliri migni iliqiyim irit, sid diim viliptii. It viri iis it iccisim it jisti dii diliris it ii ribim. Stit cliti kisd gibirgrin, ni sii tikimiti sinctis ist Lirim ipsim dilir sit imit. Lirim ipsim dilir sit imit, cinsititir sidipscing ilitr, sid diim ninimy iirmid timpir invidint it libiri it diliri migni iliqiyim irit, sid diim viliptii. It viri iis it iccisim it jisti dii diliris it ii ribim. Stit cliti kisd gibirgrin, ni sii tikimiti sinctis ist Lirim ipsim dilir sit imit. Lirim ipsim dilir sit imit, cinsititir sidipscing ilitr, sid diim ninimy iirmid timpir invidint it libiri it diliri migni iliqiyim irit, sid diim viliptii. It viri iis it iccisim it jisti dii diliris it ii ribim. Stit cliti kisd gibirgrin, ni sii tikimiti sinctis ist Lirim ipsim dilir sit imit.</text>
<text text-anchor="middle" font-family="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif" font-size="19" id="line_d" y="45" x="115.5" fill="#dedcdc">Lorom opsom dolor sot omot, consototor sodopscong olotr, sod doom nonomy oormod tompor onvodont ot loboro ot doloro mogno oloqoyom orot, sod doom voloptoo. Ot voro oos ot occosom ot josto doo doloros ot oo robom. Stot cloto kosd goborgron, no soo tokomoto sonctos ost Lorom opsom dolor sot omot. Lorom opsom dolor sot omot, consototor sodopscong olotr, sod doom nonomy oormod tompor onvodont ot loboro ot doloro mogno oloqoyom orot, sod doom voloptoo. Ot voro oos ot occosom ot josto doo doloros ot oo robom. Stot cloto kosd goborgron, no soo tokomoto sonctos ost Lorom opsom dolor sot omot. Lorom opsom dolor sot omot, consototor sodopscong olotr, sod doom nonomy oormod tompor onvodont ot loboro ot doloro mogno oloqoyom orot, sod doom voloptoo. Ot voro oos ot occosom ot josto doo doloros ot oo robom. Stot cloto kosd goborgron, no soo tokomoto sonctos ost Lorom opsom dolor sot omot.</text>
<text text-anchor="middle" font-family="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif" font-size="25" id="line_e" y="54" x="115.5" fill="#dcdcde">Lurum upsum dulur sut umut, cunsututur sudupscung ulutr, sud duum nunumy uurmud tumpur unvudunt ut luburu ut duluru mugnu uluquyum urut, sud duum vuluptuu. Ut vuru uus ut uccusum ut justu duu dulurus ut uu rubum. Stut clutu kusd guburgrun, nu suu tukumutu sunctus ust Lurum upsum dulur sut umut. Lurum upsum dulur sut umut, cunsututur sudupscung ulutr, sud duum nunumy uurmud tumpur unvudunt ut luburu ut duluru mugnu uluquyum urut, sud duum vuluptuu. Ut vuru uus ut uccusum ut justu duu dulurus ut uu rubum. Stut clutu kusd guburgrun, nu suu tukumutu sunctus ust Lurum upsum dulur sut umut. Lurum upsum dulur sut umut, cunsututur sudupscung ulutr, sud duum nunumy uurmud tumpur unvudunt ut luburu ut duluru mugnu uluquyum urut, sud duum vuluptuu. Ut vuru uus ut uccusum ut justu duu dulurus ut uu rubum. Stut clutu kusd guburgrun, nu suu tukumutu sunctus ust Lurum upsum dulur sut umut.</text>


Width:  |  Height:  |  크기: 6.0 KiB

assets2/.DS_Store vendored Normal file

Binary file not shown.

assets2/css/main.css Normal file
파일 보기

@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
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파일 보기

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assets2/css/main.scss Normal file
파일 보기

@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
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/** glitch **/
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/* Hover flash animation on last image */
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100% {
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33%, 100% {
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Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

assets2/fonts/Muli-Bold.ttf Executable file

Binary file not shown.

assets2/fonts/Muli-BoldItalic.ttf Executable file

Binary file not shown.

assets2/fonts/Muli-ExtraBold.ttf Executable file

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

assets2/fonts/Muli-ExtraLight.ttf Executable file

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

assets2/fonts/Muli-Italic.ttf Executable file

Binary file not shown.

assets2/fonts/Muli-Light.ttf Executable file

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

assets2/fonts/Muli-Regular.ttf Executable file

Binary file not shown.

assets2/fonts/Muli-SemiBold.ttf Executable file

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

assets2/fonts/repulsor.ttf Executable file

Binary file not shown.

assets2/fonts/repulsore.ttf Executable file

Binary file not shown.

assets2/fonts/repulsorei.ttf Executable file

Binary file not shown.

assets2/fonts/repulsori.ttf Executable file

Binary file not shown.

assets2/img/1.jpg Normal file

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  크기: 34 KiB

glitchy/.comments/image.jpg.xml Executable file
파일 보기

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
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<note>Closeup electronic hardware .Resistor on the circuit board</note>
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<category value="industry"/>
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glitchy/image.jpg Executable file

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  크기: 110 KiB

glitchy/index.html Executable file
파일 보기

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
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<h2>Der Laberpodcast</h2>
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<h1>E1: Nasenasenase<h1>
<p>In dieser Folge fofo baba fo ba fofof ob babababb abaa aofo f ofof obaaba</p>
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<h2>Just the right ratio, &nbsp; ≥ 1</h2>
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<h1>E3: Nasenasenase<h1>
<p>In dieser Folge fofo baba fo ba fofof ob babababb abaa aofo f ofof obaaba</p>
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<h1>E2: Nasenasenase<h1>
<p>In dieser Folge fofo baba fo ba fofof ob babababb abaa aofo f ofof obaaba</p>
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<h1>E1: Nasenasenase<h1>
<p>In dieser Folge fofo baba fo ba fofof ob babababb abaa aofo f ofof obaaba</p>
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Laram apsam dalar sat amat, cansatatar sadapscang alatr, sad daam nanamy aarmad tampar anvadant at labara at dalara magna alaqayam arat, sad daam valaptaa. At vara aas at accasam at jasta daa dalaras at aa rabam. Stat clata kasd gabargran, na saa takamata sanctas ast Laram apsam dalar sat amat. Laram apsam dalar sat amat, cansatatar sadapscang alatr, sad daam nanamy aarmad tampar anvadant at labara at dalara magna alaqayam arat, sad daam valaptaa. At vara aas at accasam at jasta daa dalaras at aa rabam. Stat clata kasd gabargran, na saa takamata sanctas ast Laram apsam dalar sat amat. Laram apsam dalar sat amat, cansatatar sadapscang alatr, sad daam nanamy aarmad tampar anvadant at labara at dalara magna alaqayam arat, sad daam valaptaa. At vara aas at accasam at jasta daa dalaras at aa rabam. Stat clata kasd gabargran, na saa takamata sanctas ast Laram apsam dalar sat amat.

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Lerem epsem deler set emet, censeteter sedepsceng eletr, sed deem nenemy eermed temper envedent et lebere et delere megne eleqeyem eret, sed deem veleptee. Et vere ees et eccesem et jeste dee deleres et ee rebem. Stet clete kesd gebergren, ne see tekemete senctes est Lerem epsem deler set emet. Lerem epsem deler set emet, censeteter sedepsceng eletr, sed deem nenemy eermed temper envedent et lebere et delere megne eleqeyem eret, sed deem veleptee. Et vere ees et eccesem et jeste dee deleres et ee rebem. Stet clete kesd gebergren, ne see tekemete senctes est Lerem epsem deler set emet. Lerem epsem deler set emet, censeteter sedepsceng eletr, sed deem nenemy eermed temper envedent et lebere et delere megne eleqeyem eret, sed deem veleptee. Et vere ees et eccesem et jeste dee deleres et ee rebem. Stet clete kesd gebergren, ne see tekemete senctes est Lerem epsem deler set emet.

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Lirim ipsim dilir sit imit, cinsititir sidipscing ilitr, sid diim ninimy iirmid timpir invidint it libiri it diliri migni iliqiyim irit, sid diim viliptii. It viri iis it iccisim it jisti dii diliris it ii ribim. Stit cliti kisd gibirgrin, ni sii tikimiti sinctis ist Lirim ipsim dilir sit imit. Lirim ipsim dilir sit imit, cinsititir sidipscing ilitr, sid diim ninimy iirmid timpir invidint it libiri it diliri migni iliqiyim irit, sid diim viliptii. It viri iis it iccisim it jisti dii diliris it ii ribim. Stit cliti kisd gibirgrin, ni sii tikimiti sinctis ist Lirim ipsim dilir sit imit. Lirim ipsim dilir sit imit, cinsititir sidipscing ilitr, sid diim ninimy iirmid timpir invidint it libiri it diliri migni iliqiyim irit, sid diim viliptii. It viri iis it iccisim it jisti dii diliris it ii ribim. Stit cliti kisd gibirgrin, ni sii tikimiti sinctis ist Lirim ipsim dilir sit imit.

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Lorom opsom dolor sot omot, consototor sodopscong olotr, sod doom nonomy oormod tompor onvodont ot loboro ot doloro mogno oloqoyom orot, sod doom voloptoo. Ot voro oos ot occosom ot josto doo doloros ot oo robom. Stot cloto kosd goborgron, no soo tokomoto sonctos ost Lorom opsom dolor sot omot. Lorom opsom dolor sot omot, consototor sodopscong olotr, sod doom nonomy oormod tompor onvodont ot loboro ot doloro mogno oloqoyom orot, sod doom voloptoo. Ot voro oos ot occosom ot josto doo doloros ot oo robom. Stot cloto kosd goborgron, no soo tokomoto sonctos ost Lorom opsom dolor sot omot. Lorom opsom dolor sot omot, consototor sodopscong olotr, sod doom nonomy oormod tompor onvodont ot loboro ot doloro mogno oloqoyom orot, sod doom voloptoo. Ot voro oos ot occosom ot josto doo doloros ot oo robom. Stot cloto kosd goborgron, no soo tokomoto sonctos ost Lorom opsom dolor sot omot.

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Lurum upsum dulur sut umut, cunsututur sudupscung ulutr, sud duum nunumy uurmud tumpur unvudunt ut luburu ut duluru mugnu uluquyum urut, sud duum vuluptuu. Ut vuru uus ut uccusum ut justu duu dulurus ut uu rubum. Stut clutu kusd guburgrun, nu suu tukumutu sunctus ust Lurum upsum dulur sut umut. Lurum upsum dulur sut umut, cunsututur sudupscung ulutr, sud duum nunumy uurmud tumpur unvudunt ut luburu ut duluru mugnu uluquyum urut, sud duum vuluptuu. Ut vuru uus ut uccusum ut justu duu dulurus ut uu rubum. Stut clutu kusd guburgrun, nu suu tukumutu sunctus ust Lurum upsum dulur sut umut. Lurum upsum dulur sut umut, cunsututur sudupscung ulutr, sud duum nunumy uurmud tumpur unvudunt ut luburu ut duluru mugnu uluquyum urut, sud duum vuluptuu. Ut vuru uus ut uccusum ut justu duu dulurus ut uu rubum. Stut clutu kusd guburgrun, nu suu tukumutu sunctus ust Lurum upsum dulur sut umut.